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Our Labor, Our Movement

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Applications are now open for the Our Labor, Our Movement (OLOM) June-September 2024 cohort! OLOM is a three month full-time paid internship to hone your organizing skills. The program brings together a cohort of new organizers who are placed on a variety of organizing campaigns across Region 6 – including California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Alaska. Participants will gain significant organizing experience and skill development through a combination of structured training, support and connections across the cohort, hands-on practice on their campaign, and mentorship from experienced organizers. 

The labor movement is at an exciting moment, where there is unprecedented interest in class solidarity, collective action, and worker power. Here in Region 6, in the past year alone workers have won union recognition campaigns covering thousands of people – and in 2024, even more are rapidly launching campaigns to organize in higher ed, research, auto, and more. OLOM is your opportunity to join a growing team of dedicated organizers who are ready to usher forth a renewed, fighting labor movement. Applications are due March 22. For more information about the program and how to apply, check out the job posting