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Injury to One - Recap

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Last weekend, members from across Region 6 came together for a conference on gender, race, & immigrant justice, An Injury to One Is an Injury to All. Together, we discussed how to make Region 6 an engine for social justice, including by strategizing around coordinated contract campaigns, community fights, political action & more. And in workshops, members built skills in key areas for growing a fighting, inclusive union:

  • Engaging coworkers on issues of social justice
  • Cultivating healthy disagreement
  • Planning direct actions
  • Addressing issues in the workplace & moving each other past fear
  • & more!

What we are able to achieve together going forward will be a function of how many members are actively involved. To drive ongoing work, members are encouraged to join monthly CAP/PAC meetings (check out our calendar for more info) and/or join the inaugural meeting for Regional gender justice and civil & human rights work. Fill out this form to get connected for that first meeting.  

We also want to give a big thank you to our special guests at the conference: Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, WSLC President April Sims, Seattle City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, Ashley Lewis - UAW Women’s Department, Helen Walker - UAW Civil & Human Rights Department, & LaKeisha Becton - UAW President’s Office.