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2024 Region 6 Political Action & Leadership Conference

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The 2024 Region 6 Political Action and Leadership Conference will be January 12-14 in Pico Rivera, California. Registration is due December 12. Open to all members & workers on Region 6 organizing drives! Contact your Local union if you are interested. 

We’re in the midst of an incredible moment in the labor movement, with a surge of worker organizing across sectors and across geographies. More and more workers are refusing to accept the current system – one where ultra-wealthy CEOs, shareholders, and administrators amass millions of dollars while regular people struggle to get by, and where corporate greed exacerbates the climate crisis and threatens the long-term habitability of our planet. In this moment, we have a critical opportunity to build a renewed, fighting labor movement that can win a system that prioritizes the needs of working people, and that ensures a sustainable future for all. 

As a Region, we’re already playing a major role in advancing this work. In 2023 alone, members have: 

  • Supported thousands of workers organizing to form unions with UAW 
  • Mobilized powerful strike actions and solidarity in higher ed and the Big 3
  • Built organizing and political plans to advance climate justice and a just transition to EVs 
  • Developed members’ skills and ownership over the union through regional and local training programs
  • Won key political fights on topics like affordable housing and expanded sick leave
  • And more. 

These are impressive achievements in just our first year as a reconstituted Region 6, and they’re all a direct result of the active participation of thousands of members across every Local. But there’s much left to be done. In the coming year, we’re facing a number of critical questions as a Region: 

  • How can we use all the tools at our disposal to build leverage for our organizing goals? 
  • How do we build power to advance members’ needs at work and in our broader lives and communities? 
  • What are the connections between EVs and current members in manufacturing, higher ed, and other sectors? How do we ensure that the billions of dollars of public money being funneled into “green” manufacturing are propelling a new generation of strong union jobs, not lining the pockets of wealthy CEOs? 
  • How can we build member participation and solidarity across workplaces and sectors to win standard-setting contracts? 
  • How do we take on issues like California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoing a slate of important labor legislation – including our picket line protection bill – despite overwhelming bipartisan support in the legislature? 

At the Region 6 Political Action Conference, members from across the Region will work together to address these questions and more. We’ll reflect on the past year and set collective regional priorities for 2024. Through a combination of political education, workshops, and collaborative strategizing, we’ll discuss how we can increase member participation and build leverage to win. Together, we’ll leave better equipped to advance a fighting, worker-driven movement in 2024 – and win!

Conference Schedule & Logistics

Friday January 12

  • 11am-1pm: Delegate check-in 
  • 12-1pm: Optional lunch 
  • 1-6pm: Conference proceedings. The conference will begin promptly at 1pm. 

Saturday January 13

  • 9am-6pm: Conference proceedings. Coffee and lunch provided. 
  • 6-8pm: Reception with light refreshments. 

Sunday January 14

  • 9am-12pm: Conference proceedings
  • 12-1pm: Optional lunch 
  • 1-3pm: Optional Committee & Local Meetings. More info on these will be provided closer to the conference. 

The conference will meet at the UAW Region 6 Office, 6500 Rosemead Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660. 

There is no conference registration fee. Expenses including lost time, travel, and per diem are the responsibility of the Local Union.

If you have any questions, please contact Sam Sumpter <>.

In Solidarity,
Mike Miller
UAW, Region 6