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An Injury to One Is an Injury to All Conference

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You are warmly invited to the Region 6 Injury to One is an Injury to All Conference, May 11-12 at UAW Region 6 in Oakland, CA. The conference will convene at 9am on May 11 and end no later than 4pm on May 12. Conference topics will include issues such as reproductive justice, family & childcare, fighting sexual harassment, racial justice, and international & immigrant justice. Together, members will address pressing issues of social justice that impact us in different dimensions of our work, relationships, and communities. 

Conference Agenda

We will kick off Day 1 by analyzing how we can build participatory, escalating campaigns to overcome the divide and conquer tactics of both management and the far right, and win real structural change on social justice issues. From there, attendees will attend several workshops of their choosing, intended to build the skills necessary for taking effective action in our workplaces and beyond. On Day 2, we will prepare to put these skills to use for some of the most pressing issues of UAW Region 6 members. Through collaborative strategic planning sessions, we will build regional plans and coordination – including by evaluating contract language, discussing upcoming political fights, planning coordinated direct actions, developing new resources, and more. For more on the specific topics that will be covered on both Saturday and Sunday, refer here. 

The conference structure and content has been developed by the Region 6 Gender, Civil, and Human Rights Committee, through extensive discussion with Locals and members about upcoming needs and interest areas.

Who Should Attend

The conference is open to all members & workers on active organizing campaigns in Region 6. Locals & organizing campaigns are especially encouraged to send delegates who are interested in joining the Region 6 Gender, Human, and Civil Rights Committee, or who are part of Local committees on Civil & Human Rights, Gender Justice, LGBTQ Justice, International Solidarity, and related topics. Locals/campaigns are encouraged to determine your delegates based on clear goals for what each person can get out of the conference and bring back to their work in your Local/campaign. 

Registration, Travel, & Logistics

  1. Contact your Local to register. Due to the size of the space, registration will be capped at the first 60 members who are registered. The deadline to register is April 12.
  2. The conference will meet at the Region 6 Office (360 22nd Street, Oakland, CA, 94612). 
  3. Delegates traveling from out of town should book lodging at the Oakland Marriott City Center, where we have a group rate of $179/night. Contact your Local to book your rooms. The deadline to book hotel rooms is April 12. You are strongly encouraged to book your rooms as soon as possible – Berkeley graduation is the same weekend, and hotels in the area are expected to fill up. 
  4. The hotel and office are located close together, and you can easily travel between the two in either a ~20 minute walk or by taking BART for 1 stop (info below). 
  5. Delegates flying from out of town are recommended to use Oakland International Airport. From the airport, you can take BART (info below) into downtown Oakland in about 30-40 minutes, with stops close to both the office and the hotel. 
  6. BART is a convenient public transportation option you are encouraged to use during the conference. You can purchase a physical Clipper Card at any BART station, or download the Clipper Card app on your phone. More info about BART here.
  7. Lunch will be provided on both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, there will be a reception with light refreshments. 
  8. Lost time, per diem, transportation, and hotel costs will be the responsibility of each Local Union.

If you have any questions, please contact Sam Sumpter at

In Solidarity,
Mike Miller
UAW, Region 6