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Organizing for a Permanent Ceasefire

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UAW Region 6 members are actively organizing for a permanent ceasefire – find information below on current efforts you can plug into. All Region 6 members and workers on organizing campaigns are strongly encouraged to get involved.

Get Involved 

There are many other efforts UAW members in Region 6 are actively developing to build more power for a permanent ceasefire. Fill out this form to get connected with fellow members on an ongoing basis. All Region 6 members are also encouraged to join monthly Region 6 Political Action Meetings on the third Saturday at 10am via zoom. RSVP here for those meetings. 

Upcoming Direct Actions in Region 6

Across the Region and across the country, workers and students continue escalating the urgent need for a permanent ceasefire and justice in Palestine, including through a wave of growing student organizing at universities across the country. UAW members in the Seattle area are encouraged to join a Labor for Ceasefire rally on April 27, and members in the Los Angeles area are encouraged to join the Workers Unite for Palestine rally on May 1. Undergraduate student organizers are also encouraged to get in touch with the Youth Labor Organizing Corps to connect about campus organizing.

GOTV for “Uncommitted” Votes

In early March, more than 100,000 Michigan voters in the Democratic primary voted “uncommitted” as a way of sending a clear message to Biden: working people demand a permanent ceasefire now. The efforts in Michigan were followed closely by similar organizing in Minnesota and Hawai‘i, and since, the Biden administration has begun signaling some movement, though still not enough. In Washington State, members of Local 4121 joined with others in the Washington labor community turning out voters to vote “uncommitted” in the Democratic primary on March 12. 

Sign up here to phonebank voters in Wisconsin for the April 2nd primary. While voting “uncommitted” is not an option in all states, there are many states with upcoming primaries where voters have that option. As these efforts develop for additional upcoming primaries, more information will be posted here for ways you can plug in. 

Run for Convention Delegate 

Region 6 members are organizing a coordinated effort to run for convention delegate. Elections and deadlines vary by state – find out information about your state below. If you’re interested in running, email Emily Myers (Washington, Oregon, Alaska) or Tom Hintze (California, Arizona, Nevada) for support and to coordinate with Regional efforts. 

  1. Alaska: National delegates will be selected from State Delegates at the Democratic Party State Convention in Juneau on May 18, 2024. State Convention delegates will be selected at the State House District Organization meetings on April 13, 2024. More information:
  2. ArizonaSaturday 20 April 2024: District Caucuses meet. 47 National Convention District delegates are elected according to the results of the primary. May 18: 16 at-large delegates will be elected at the state convention. More info: DNC Delegate Selection - AZ Dems
  3. California
    1. March 21, 2024 @5:00 PM : District Level Delegate Filing Period 
    2. April 21, 2024: Congressional District Caucuses where 277 district-level delegates and 26 district-level alternates will be elected.
    3. April 24, 2024 @5:00 PM : At-Large Delegate Filing Period (Closes)
    4. May 18, 2024: 92 at-large delegates and 9 at-large alternates will be selected.
    5. More info: Democratic National Convention - California Democratic Party (
  4. NevadaSaturday, April 13, 2024 – Assembly District Delegate Election Meetings (DEMs) where 23 district delegates will be elected. More info: 2024 Nevada Delegate Selection Plan - Nevada Democratic Party (
  5. Oregon: Register to run for any delegate by May 22. More information and registration:
  6. Washington: Register to run for state delegate by March 31. Register to run for national delegate by May 12. More information here: