
From June 20th to June 23rd, more than 400 UAW members and workers on organizing drives came together at the UAW Region 6 office in Pico Rivera, CA for our second Summer School as a re-formed

You are warmly invited to the 2024 Region 6 CAP and Political Conference, August 17th and 18th at the Region 6 Office in Pico Rivera, CA.

May Day kicked off a powerful month in Region 6, with UAW workers organizing historic strike actions up and down the West Coast:

From higher ed to auto to heavy truck and beyond, this month UAW members have been demonstrating what a fighting, unified labor movement looks like. Across the country, working people have more in common with each other than not, but forces of corporate and institutional greed seek to keep us divided – along lines of identity, workplace, industry, geographic area, and more.

You are warmly invited to Region 6 Summer School, June 20-23 at Cal State Los Angeles.  The conference will convene at 10am on Thursday, June 20 and end at 1:30pm on Sunday, June 23. It is open to all members. Conference check-in will be open Wednesday, June 19 from 4-6pm and Thursday, June 20 from 8-10am. 

From auto workers at Volkswagen to student workers at the University of Oregon and beyond, worker-led organizing is on the rise! Worker-led organizing starts with the premise that any organizing effort is more powerful when it’s driven forward by a broad network of worker leaders.

In our first year as a re-formed Region 6, members pushed forward massive wins in organizing, bargaining, contract enforcement, and political action, and at the January 2024 Political Action & Leadership Conference, members, and workers from across the Region set even more ambitious priorities for the coming years.

We are in a moment of great potential and energy for rebuilding a fighting labor movement to win a just and sustainable future for all. As this critical work continues rapidly expanding, the following new Regional staff positions are now open for applications:   

You are warmly invited to the Region 6 Injury to One is an Injury to All Conference, May 11-12 at UAW Region 6 in Oakland, CA. The conference will convene at 9am on May 11 and end no later than 4pm on May 12. Conference topics will include issues such as reproductive justice, family & childcare, fighting sexual harassment, racial justice, and international & immigrant justice. Together, members will address pressing issues of social justice that impact us in different dimensions of our work, relationships, and communities. 

Thanks to the active work of thousands of workers across the country, we are in a moment where the labor movement has incredible momentum and opportunity. But that momentum won’t keep growing on its own, and it won't translate into structural change on its own. To meet this moment, it is critical that workers across Region 6 and beyond!

Applications are now open for the Our Labor, Our Movement (OLOM) June-September 2024 cohort! OLOM is a three month full-time paid internship to hone your organizing skills. The program brings together a cohort of new organizers who are placed on a variety of organizing campaigns across Region 6 – including California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Alaska.

Coming into 2024, we are in an important moment in the labor movement. Across sectors and across the country, more and more workers are recognizing that in the face of increasing corporate greed, climate crisis, and social injustice, a fighting labor movement is necessary for building the power we need to win real democracy in our workplaces, communities, economy, and global society.