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An Injury to One is an Injury to All: Region 6 Conference

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Greetings Region 6 Family,

You are invited to a Region 6 conference on issues of social justice, “An Injury to One Is an Injury to All,” scheduled for May 6-7 at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. The conference is open to all members, and will convene at 11am on May 6 and end at 5pm on May 7. 

Rank-and-file union members of the new Region 6, like the old, know that power is built among regular people, and that economic justice is inextricable from racial, gender and immigrant justice. On Day 1 of the conference, attendees will highlight recent campaigns among our Region 6 Locals that made big social justice wins by building powerful bridges between union members and the rest of their communities. For example, we will look at how locals in Region 6 have made major improvements for immigrant and international workers with contract wins like paid leave for immigration hearings and outside-the-contract wins like defeating Trump’s anti-international student rule and expanding paid training programs for workers on visas. On Day 2, we will make forward-thinking plans for how to turn our region into an engine for social justice by strategizing about joint contract priorities, community fights, and political priorities.

Members who are active, or would like to become active, in their Local’s committees on Civil & Human Rights, Gender Justice Issues, LGBTQ issues, International Solidarity, and related topics are strongly encouraged to participate. Together, we will address pressing issues of social justice that impact members in different dimensions of our work, relationships, and communities. Conference topics will include issues such as reproductive justice, family & childcare, fighting sexual harassment, racial justice, disability justice, international & immigrant justice, and more. 

To register, please fill out this form as soon as possible. For delegates from out of town, we will have a block of rooms reserved at the Westin in downtown Seattle at a special rate of $219/night for a single room or $239/night for a double room. To book a room at the group rate, you must make your reservation by April 18 by filling out this link or calling 1-888-627-8513. Lost time, per diem, transportation, and hotel costs will be the responsibility of each Local Union. 

If you have any questions, please contact Sam Sumpter at 

In Solidarity,

Mike Miller
UAW, Region 6