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Region 6 Summer School 2024

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You are warmly invited to Region 6 Summer School, June 20-23 at Cal State Los Angeles.  The conference will convene at 10am on Thursday, June 20 and end at 1:30pm on Sunday, June 23. It is open to all members. Conference check-in will be open Wednesday, June 19 from 4-6pm and Thursday, June 20 from 8-10am. 

Summer School will be an opportunity to come together with members and workers on active organizing campaigns for a week of deep-dive trainings on core activities, focused skill-building workshops, and collaborative strategizing to grow power and participation in our Locals, campaigns, and Region 6 as a whole. The conference structure and content has been developed through extensive discussion with Locals and members about upcoming needs and interest areas, and is intended to be as productive and applicable to your participation in the Union as possible. 

Locals and organizing campaigns are encouraged to determine your delegates based on clear goals for what each person will get out of the conference and bring back to their work in your Local or campaign. Registration is due on Friday, May 24 (link forthcoming in a follow-up email). Please begin confirming your delegates now and be ready to register them as soon as possible after the link goes out. Attached to this call letter, you will find materials you can use and adapt to recruit members to attend. 

Structure & Content

Classes: Each delegate will go through a multi-day class that will meet in the mornings. These classes will be an opportunity to develop deeper skills and knowledge on core union functions. Delegates are signed up for their specific class ahead of time using the registration form. Find more information about the classes being offered in this Class Descriptions document

Workshops: Each afternoon delegates will participate in standalone workshops focused on targeted skills – including communications, leadership development, direct actions, strike preparedness, running effective meetings, and more. These workshops will be planned and run by members from across the Region. Delegates do not need to sign up for these ahead of time. More info will be provided in a Participant Handbook that will be distributed before the conference. 

Strategy Sessions: On the final day of the conference, we will spend time in collaborative strategy sessions. These are places for members to come together across sectors and geographies to set concrete action plans and coordination together for the coming months. Delegates do not need to sign up for these ahead of time. Planned topics are listed below. Exact topics are subject to change, and more info will be provided in a Participant Handbook that will be distributed before the conference. 

  • Advancing Social Justice
  • Advancing Climate Justice
  • Fighting Corporate/ Institutional Greed
  • Building Member Participation
  • Building a Political Program 

Committee Meetings: Regional Committees will have time to meet during the conference, e.g.,  Gender, Human, and Civil Rights Committee, Education & Communication Committee, Political Action, Climate Justice, Skilled Trades, etc. More information will be shared closer to the conference. 

Making Connections: Finally, there will be informal get-togethers in the evenings, as well as many opportunities to connect with members from Locals and sectors across the region. 

Registration, Lodging, & Travel

Lodging: We will have lodging available in apartments at Cal State LA (check-in on 6/19 or 6/20; check out on 6/23). Delegates who live in the LA area are not required to lodge on site. Delegates will note their lodging needs in the registration form. 

Registration: The link to register will be sent in a follow-up email soon. The registration deadline is Friday, May 24. 

  • Registration fee for delegates who need lodging: $200. This includes lodging, breakfast each day, 1 reception dinner, and all conference materials.
  • Registration fee for delegates who do not need lodging: $50. This includes 1 reception dinner and all conference materials. 


  1. Delegates who are flying from out of town should book flights accordingly: 
    1. Arrival to LAX on Wednesday 6/19 in the afternoon or Thursday 6/20 by 8am.
    2. Depart from LAX on Sunday 6/23 after 4pm
  2. To get between LAX and CSULA: 
    1. Public Transit: At LAX, follow signs for ground transportation. At every terminal, there is a bus stop for the Flyaway Bus. Board and take it to Union Station. Cost is $9.75, paid by card when you arrive at Union Station or by downloading the app. From Union Station, walk over to Patsaouras Bus Plaza and take the Metro J (Silver) Line toward El Monte. Get off at the Cal State LA stop (two stops from Patasaouras, or 15 mins). 
    2. Or take Taxi/Uber/Lyft. Estimated cost: $30-50

Parking: Parking is available at CSU-LA for about $12/day. 

Lost time, per diem, travel, and lodging costs will be the responsibility of each Local Union.

If you have any questions, please contact Sam Sumpter at

Looking forward to seeing you this summer!

In Solidarity,
Mike Miller
UAW, Region 6