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Summer School 2024 Recap

From June 20th to June 23rd, more than 400 UAW members and workers on organizing drives came together at the UAW Region 6 office in Pico Rivera, CA fo...

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Political Action Conference

You are warmly invited to the 2024 Region 6 CAP and Political Conference, August 17th and 18th at the Region 6 Office in Pico Rivera, CA. It is open t...

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May Newsletter: Strike Spring

May Day kicked off a powerful month in Region 6, with UAW workers organizing historic strike actions up and down the West Coast:...

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Our Labor, Our Movement

Applications are now open for the Our Labor, Our Movement (OLOM) June-September 2024 cohort! OLOM is a three month full-time paid internship to hone your organizing skills.

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Political Action & Leadership Conference Recap

The Region 6 Political Action & Leadership Conference was an incredibly energizing start to 2024! More than 450 active & retired members came together from across all areas of the region, including members from 15 locals and 12 organizing campaigns in higher ed, rese

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November Newsletter: TA at USC, Leadership & Political Action Conference, & More

November has been another busy month in Region 6, with members across sectors working to build a fighting labor movement! Throughout 2023, more and more workers across the region have recognized the power of a union for securing a real say in their working conditions.

Read More November Newsletter: TA at USC, Leadership & Political Action Conference, & More

Sept/Oct Newsletter: Big 3, Alaska Election, Strike Votes, & more

In September and October, members have been organizing tirelessly, and throughout the Region we’re winning historic victories – from record tentative agreements in the Big 3, to the overwhelming election win at the University of Alaska, to fighting campaigns for first contracts at USC and W

Read More Sept/Oct Newsletter: Big 3, Alaska Election, Strike Votes, & more